I've had
some time over the past many months to get some sewing done. Never as much as I would like, but at least I got some gifts done I had been planning on. Another bib... though it was planned for last August, it still made it in time for the cute babe it was meant for, sometime in October, I think. This boy's mother is my best friend from highschool. We met in grade 8 humanities (english / socials), and had classes together every year. We had a BLAST together - I have never known someone who was so in tune with me; we wore the same clothes all the time, by accident! People would ask if we were trying to be twins on purpose. We had many sleep overs, and watched every old horror movie you can think of, and I mean almost every one from the 80's. We binged on junk food like it was going out of style (and still do, when we can). We've managed to stay close, even though we also live so far apart. I think about our fun times together all the time. I miss her so much!
Another on recently sewn list is an apron for a very special girl I know. It was also planned for earlier in the year, but still made it out to her across the pond eventually.
And an apron for her very special mother, too. This special lady has been a friend to me my entire life, and I love her for it. We are cousins, who were great friends most of the time, but she had two older brothers who taught her a few things that she couldn't help but pass down to me. Lucky for me, we were usually on the same side of things, and I remember us two being bullies together! We had many adventures growing up, and she is one of the most special people I know. She also laughed her head off when I puked all over her in a road trip we had when we were young. That is someone amazing, if you ask me. I would have cried my eyes out! She's also probably the smartest person I know, talented, amazing mother & friend. And I miss her all the time.

Another apron, for the longest non-related friend I have had. We met in kindergarden (age 4), and have remained friends through many moves, and many years. We grew up running from the big kids in the neighborhood; having sleep overs and family outings together; lying to little brothers and sisters and getting in trouble for it; camping, hiking & swimming. We promised each other that we would get married
to each other - I can't remember which one of us was going to be the man, but I think it was me, because I had short hair at the time. It was inconceivable that two women would get married, so we would have to trick everyone. She moved away when we went into grade 1, but we still managed to keep in contact, as our parents were friends. Then I moved away even farther in grade 3 (1,000 km), but our families still saw each other once a year, at least, most years. And though I have now moved even farther (12,000 km), we still manage to see each other every few years. It's incredible when I think of it. I grew up moving around, changing schools, always new and different friends, not many lasting the years... She is my longest friend, and I miss her every day too.

And two more make-up bags for presents & pick-me-up's. A friend of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer before Christmas. It's been a struggle for her, but she is nearing her last days of radiation, after a mastectomy & chemo. She's an amazingly strong, easy-going, optimistic and, most importantly, Christian, woman who I really admire. How do you tell someone you care when they are going through that? I feel like a gift is a lame attempt, but then I think of how special it is to get a package when you weren't expecting it. Even if it can lift someones spirits for a few minutes, it's worth it. I sent her a make-up bag with some word puzzles for the long waits in waiting rooms, and a cookie-in-a-jar mix, for a day when she might feel like eating something home baked, and it wouldn't require too much effort.