Today has been a good day, a real treat, considering the past 2 weeks. I do still have pain, but it is SO much less than what I have been going through. Today is the first day I haven't cried because I didn't know what else to do. I don't know if the meds are working, if this crazy new cast is a better fit, or if my swelling has gone down (a possible reason for this nerve pain, I have read, might be due to all the swelling).
To treat myself, I painted my nails, did a face mask, and moisturized with the goodies my family sent me. I didn't manage a shower girls, that body butter you sent me, was very helpful *wink* I was even mentally alert enough to finally finish a job for my boss from before I had my little spill. I didn't take any pain killers until this evening too. If the next 3.5 weeks are spent in this clown cast like I felt today, then I can deal with it.
*I am still praying for the moon boot though on friday - you can too*
Good News that the pain is a little better. Pray each day gets better for you. Enjoy all your goodies from your family... Good timing for you to have some new books and craft ideas to look at. I would like to have a go at crocheting some time to so if you get the hang of it - teach me..
Hi Kath! so good to hear that you had a good day! I hope that continues. I can't believe how much harder this has been than any of us thought it would be. Soon you'll be up and around wishing your crutches were gone! We'll pray for the moon boot -if it is the right thing for you!
Love, Mom
I am so glad those special treats arrived for you, and that each day its getting closer to that moon boot. Let time heal the break, as your heavenly father has designed your body to knit itself back together. Have a go at teaching yourelf to crotchet, its a valuable skill, and we'd like to hear how you go with it.
thanks everyone :) I am in more pain again, so Friday I hope goes well, and they have solutions. Maybe the pain is cast related, as every time I have got a new cast put on, I have a day of relief. I am praying for the best solution for my ankle though.
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