Whew, we just bought something...something SCARY! I recommend doing something that scares you every so often. You've never felt more alive! Like for instance, last June, Adam and I went to get our motorbike licenses. It was incredible! I couldn't eat breakfast or lunch our first day of lessons, but as soon as I got on that bike, I knew this was going to be a part of my life from then on. It's amazing. It's like flying. I highly recommend it.
Adam's been keeping his eye on potential modes of transportation for a while now, and tonight we got one! A motorbike! This was also another heart stopping moment, since we bought it off ebay. Those final few seconds were so intense, no wonder people get addicted to ebay. There was one other bid, but we still got it for $900 less than we were prepared to pay. It's the perfect starter bike too, for Adam, I mean. I could care less, as long as I don't have a crotch rocket. He wanted something that he can put work into, and customize.
And at long last, we have a mode of transportation! We've been saving (can't get a loan, since we're both self employed, and I just got my permanent residency, so no bank is touching me! Not to mention I barely have a job anymore...but, back to the story...) for a year or so now for a car, but since the "financial crisis", we've had to downsize our plans, and abandon the dream of a '50 Chevy Coupe (imported from the US, because they never had them out here). We'll now try and find something else out here in Oz, and we'll put that Chevy on the back-burner for when our dollar gets more than 63 cents!
Here is our new '55 Thunderbird, by Triumph...which NEEDS a paint jooooobbb! Yikes. Periwinkle. Who paints a MOTORBIKE periwinkle!?
Ok, this doesn't solve all our transport needs, but it will alleviate quite a few. Groceries are still going to be a matter of borrowing, but for everything else (besides IKEA), we're golden. We decided to jump on this bike, since they are somewhat rare, and one at this price is very rare, especially within driving distance. We'll hopefully have enough in a few months for the car part of our transport needs...but until then, we'll be riding on the wind...
So cool! Glad for you guys! Looks like a lot of fun - & some wheels for you!
love, Mom
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