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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Be Right Back

I want to blog. I really really really do. I think of fun things to blog about all the time. I just don't have the time :( I am working almost non-stop. I know that sounds like an exaggeration, but I don't even cook or clean at all anymore. I work, sometimes do exercise, eat and sleep. Maybe that will give you an idea...working on a new business that is getting busier and busier, while keeping your "day" job is rough. Right now, I am not busy enough to quit the day job...I hope I will be soon,  but until then I continue to juggle. And not do anything for myself (I know, I'm going to burn out, I'm trying to pace myself). I have not baked since...I don't even know when... I have sewing projects sitting on the kitchen table, that I don't eat at, for months now.  I really want this new business to work, so I have to just push through. I might fail, but I have learned a lot along the way. I was tempted to delete the blog...but I WANT to come back...Thanks for looking in on me, hopefully things will slow down a little soon.


Heidi June 3, 2011 at 7:31 AM  

I know it's a rough patch, but sort of YEAH!!!

leahandmichael June 3, 2011 at 9:21 PM  

see! your friends dont want you to leave the blog!! but i second heidi.. YEAH to the biz doing so well :)

dot June 21, 2011 at 5:39 AM  

Hi Kath! I checked up on you too (finally!) Keep up the hard work!! It has to be worth it one way or another!! See you soon!