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Friday, March 19, 2010

Red Velvet Cake

I've been wanting to try this for ages now. Whenever I read a cupcake blog, people comment on how red velvet is their favorite. I figured I must be missing out on something amazing. I did some research, but I always go back to my trusty Bakerella. I used her recipe, since I've really enjoyed her other cake recipes. I halved it, since we just never eat as much as I think we're capable of (I even gave half away, and still had to throw away left overs). I should have maybe quartered it (though the ratios might not be right at such a small percentage). But I know I should have at least then baked it in 3 or more layers. My oven! I just can't complain enough about it. IT WILL NOT BAKE ANYTHING DENSE. I need this pounded into my skull. Needless to say, I ended up, yet again, with a soggy centre, and burned top.

The cake was good. Not amazing. Hubby really liked it, but I think it's the cream cheese icing that does it. I'm not the hugest cream cheese fan, so honestly, I prefer a trusty white or chocolate cake with buttercream icing. No need to get beyond kids birthday party cake for me.

The only adjustments I did was use a few drops of gel paste food colouring (instead of a bottle or liquid), and I decreased the cream cheese in the icing. I also sprinkled coconut on top, which I think made the cake so much better. I might try this recipe again in cupcake version, or more layers next time.


Judy April 13, 2010 at 1:13 AM  

I just saw this post on red velvet cake...and then it got posted on Mennonite Girls Can Cook a few weeks ago. I was thinking it was something I should try sometime...when we were invited to friends for dinner...and the dessert was "Red Velvet Cake". It's a big hit!