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Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Mexican food is the latest trend in Australia, with terrible little shops popping up all over... except one. Mad Mex.  I love it. The first time I had it, I fell head over heels for their churros, and resolved to be able to make my own. But I'd give these ones I made a 7/10 sadly, but I hope it was my fault & and not the recipe.  I plan to try them again after some further research. The cinnamon ratio is way off, in my opinion, and I love cinnamon. I would halve the cinnamon, or less. I also thought that maybe the oil was too hot... or something made them a little too doughy in the middle & almost burnt on the outside. I'll have to play around, but they were still edible. The reason I picked this recipe is that the author said he'd tried a lot of recipes and none measured up. I might need to research more about dough consistency & deep frying... as you'll see in a future post about doughnuts :)

Here is the recipe, and this guys photography is fantastic. Go HERE, you won't regret it.